Our Events
available for planner service and the day service
Our Services
- Venue research & dealing;
- Multimedia assets (for online event);
- Stage & decoration;
- Creative photo booth;
- Multicam, sound system and lighting production;
- Social media & marketing kit;
Our Assistance
- Show management team;
- Usher for crowd handling;
- Talents for MC, guest star, dancer, full/acoustic band, singer, etc;
- Documentation photo and video coverage;
- Multicam, live streaming, lighting and sound system operator;
- Catering and other vendors.
Our Assistance
- Editing documentation (photo and video highlights);
- Event satisfaction survey report;
- PR Media handling for press release publish (2 media);
- Goodie bag for merchandise.
Road to Assignments
1. Understanding Needs
Includes process and needs analysis of project owners to meet expectations.
2. Budgeting
Includes the process of price allocation on needs according to identification and analysis.
3. Submission
Includes the initial submission
of a draft contract made
according to initial analysis
4. Negotiation & Clarification
Includes a two-party discussion
process defining needs and
reaching agreement.
5. Approval
Includes approval by the
project owner and the
signing of both parties.
6. Payment
Includes payment as an
early sign of the progress
of the related project